Chiropractic Care For Pain Relief, Prevention And Performance


Chiropractic care for pain relief, prevention and performance

Patients use chiropractic care for a variety of reasons. Most people who initially seek chiropractic treatment are generally looking for relief from neck pain and lower back pain. However, once pain relief has been achieved, many find that additional benefits can be gained through chiropractic healthcare. This article will discuss what I call the "three P's" of chiropractic; namely pain relief, prevention, and performance. Pain relief. That being said, a large percentage of patients discover chiropractic because they suffer from neck or back pain. Chiropractic has been recognized as the gold standard for spinal pain relief. Doctors of chiropractic specialize in diagnosing and treating the most common cause of spinal pain, which is misalignment and misalignment of the spinal joints. By correcting the misalignment of the abnormal position of the spinal vertebrae, most patients get relief from their back pain without the use of drugs or surgery. Prevention. Once pain relief has been achieved, many users of chiropractic care find that it is best to continue with some type of preventative maintenance and supportive care. Usually, during the pain relief phase, chiropractors introduce their patients to preventive stretching and strengthening exercises. In addition, a doctor of chiropractic will individually counsel patients on lifestyle advice such as posture and ergonomics. Many patients also return for regular maintenance chiropractic "tune-ups" to keep their spine moving properly and in good alignment. Performance. By keeping the spine in good alignment and allowing proper movement, patients find that their lives improve overall. Because they are not in pain, they generally feel better. Examples are improved energy, better sleep, ability to exercise intensely and regularly. Many athletes and people involved in competitive sports find that regular chiropractic treatment gives them a competitive edge in their particular sport. They also find that using chiropractic for better performance helps them avoid injury or return from injury faster. The performance also applies to women during pregnancy and the birth of their children. Most women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy experience less back and pelvic pain. Additionally, research studies show that women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy have faster and less painful births at the time of delivery. For nearly 125 years, patients have found chiropractic care to help relieve neck and back pain, prevent repetitive strain injuries and improve lifestyle.
