
 What is an autoimmune disease?


When your immune system starts attacking your own body, you are likely to develop an autoimmune disease. The body's defense mechanisms are designed to fight infection and bacteria, and that means the system is essential for survival. However, sometimes the body's immunity can be confused and autoimmune diseases can occur. Although there are many treatments for these conditions, it is important to seek a medical diagnosis as soon as possible. Most people with this disease do not know what they have. They often don't realize how complex their own genetic makeup is. Fortunately, there are effective treatments. Although an autoimmunity diagnosis can be a frightening experience, the good news is that the patient can expect to live a long and healthy life. Symptoms can vary widely, but your doctor can advise you on how best to manage your symptoms.

Liver transplantation - myths and facts

The liver is the largest internal organ of the body and is the largest gland of the body. It weighs 1000 to 1500 mg and is responsible for performing more than 500 functions. Unlike the kidney, we have no artificial machine to take care of all liver functions, so when an individual has liver failure, the only option left is a liver transplant.

The COVID Vaccine Dystopia: A Manifesto

We are on the edge of history, in a global society where there is great suffering and injustice due to the widespread commitment to have entire populations injected with COVID vaccines that the government claims are safe. As shown below, the number of deaths and adverse health effects of all COVID vaccines actually increases. However, governments do not believe many of the dire health effects of vaccines, no matter how many respected doctors and medical researchers present evidence to halt vaccination efforts.

Plasma Beauty Equipment: Back to Basics

If you are not familiar with plasma beauty equipment, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to shed light on a non-invasive process that can help you enjoy a lot of benefits. Let's find out more. Plasma skin tightening is known by many names such as fibroblast plasma and plasma pen. A few years ago, it was considered a non-invasive procedure that does not involve too much pain. Besides, it was much cheaper than surgery.

All about hair loss treatment

With changing weather conditions, hair becomes difficult to manage and care for. Neglecting the importance of hair care can leave your hair weak, and malnourished, and can change its structure and increase breakage and hair loss. You need to take proper care of your hair because it is sensitive and very prone to damage. If the right measure is not taken for your hair at the right time, then gradual hair loss will eventually lead to permanent hair loss. At this stage, people opt for hair loss treatment. There are several ways to treat hair loss. It is important to choose the right one to suit your condition and prevent further damage. Many reasons contribute to hair loss, but they will not come without hair loss treatment.

What research recommends for acute and chronic lower back pain relief

Clinical guidelines are created by healthcare professionals and researchers to assist doctors and patients in the care of specific medical conditions. Because low back pain is a significant problem in Western society, clinical guidelines have been developed to help recommend the appropriate treatment. This article will discuss clinical recommendations for healthcare providers and patients seeking relief from low back pain and a promising approach to bring safe, cost-effective, acute, and chronic relief of musculoskeletal and back discomfort to the general public. Primary care physicians are typically the first point of entry for patients into our healthcare system. However, research shows that the average PCP does not have adequate training for musculoskeletal conditions. For example, 79% of all doctors failed the basic musculoskeletal cognitive test.

Orthorexia: Body Trust

 A few months ago I took an online course on Be Nourished about Body Trust. It has made a huge impact on my thinking about my body, weight, diet, and exercise. I had put on quite a bit of weight in my 40s and no matter what I did, nothing would budge. But I learned a lot about nutrition and exercise along the way. I was very ashamed of my weight and the way I looked, and it affected my ability to be out in the world and be seen. Exercising and walking as many steps as possible occupied my thoughts during the day. I had a Fitbit and Fitbit scales and was constantly thinking about food, exercise, and how to lose weight. I hated looking in the mirror and feeling like I wasn't doing enough to lose weight. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2016 and had to go for 6 weeks of blood tests for my thyroid and liver. Two tests on my liver showed that I had elevated enzymes. When I took the Body Trust course, I discovered how it controls my relationship with my body. One of the memes they have on their site is "We can't hate ourselves into a version of ourselves we can love". The shame I felt was because we live in a fat-phobic society and think we can diet and get the size we want AND still have a loving relationship with our bodies. We can't.
