5 The Best Ways To Stop Drinking Alcohol

5 The best ways to stop drinking alcohol

 Deciding to stop drinking alcohol can be life-saving for individuals who feel they are falling into alcohol addiction. However, recovering from alcohol abuse, maintaining sobriety, and managing alcohol cravings is an uphill battle. There are many ways to achieve sobriety. For a person wondering how to quit drinking, here are the top 10 ways to quit drinking alcohol. 1. Make a plan Make a plan to stop drinking alcohol by setting a date. Post the date in a place where you can see it often. If you are a heavy drinker, you need to slow down first to avoid potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms (in this case, involve your doctor in your plan to come up with a more suitable date plan). 2. Identify triggers The urge to drink alcohol is triggered by either internal or external triggers. The key to stopping drinking and staying sober is to identify and avoid your triggers. External triggers, such as places, people, and things that are associated with drinking behaviors and occasions, can quickly lead to relapse. High-risk situations are more obvious, predictable, and avoidable compared to internal triggers. Internal triggers are triggered by thoughts, negative emotions such as frustration, positive emotions such as excitement, and physical sensations such as headache, anxiety, and tension. Once you identify your triggers, work on how to prevent them from driving you to drink. 3. Avoid high-risk situations The best strategy to quit drinking is to avoid high-risk situations. Avoid social settings where alcohol is served. Don't buy or store alcohol at home as it can easily lead you astray. Friends and family members can also help by refraining from drinking alcohol in the presence of those in recovery. 4. Build a strong support network Make sure you surround yourself with positive people. This will help you build and improve your self-confidence and self-esteem. Without a positive support network, it is difficult to make the changes that lead to complete sobriety. Having support available on social media is especially important during the first months of recovery. 5. Communicate effectively Effective communication with family, friends, and co-workers can help them understand the different aspects and challenges of your journey to recovery. Speaking out will help them be much more supportive and helpful.
