Fasting On The Way To Gut Health


Fasting on the way to gut health

Many people still don't seem to be aware of it. That is daily fasting. Fasting is simply going without food for some time. It's not a complicated thing, but if you want to get serious about it (and by that I mean fasting for extended periods), are diabetic, pregnant, or have autoimmune issues, it's good to get some advice and understand how to do it safely. We fast every day without realizing it because we fast at night when we sleep. Fasting is said to help boost your immune system, lower blood sugar, and control weight, among other things. When you fast, you're doing your gut a favor because you're allowing the waste that's currently in your system to get out before you start eating again. You are giving the entire digestive system a rest so the body can go back to what it does naturally, which is healing and repairing. What we often do, however, is graze. So we can have a hearty breakfast first thing in the morning when we wake up because that's what we think we should do. We can have a snack around 11:00. Then we will have lunch probably around 12:00-13:00. We can have a snack around 16:00, then dinner probably around 18:00-19:00. Before we go to sleep, we can also have a small snack. This means that we are constantly eating, which means that our digestive system rarely rests. The consequence of this is that our body is constantly using energy to digest our food instead of burning fat, which is what it is designed to do when we are not eating. Besides, when we snack, we don't always know if we're really hungry, and over time eating between meals becomes a habit. Sometimes we eat when we are not even hungry, we are dehydrated and thirsty. If we adopt the following seven simple strategies, we will not only give our body a chance to rest our digestive tract but also strengthen our immune system: 1. Eat breakfast later than earlier 2. If you have to eat breakfast early, make it fruit where possible because your body is still in cleansing mode first thing in the morning 3. Eat when you're hungry 4. Drink water between meals rather than snacks 5. Don't eat after 8 pm 6. Eat your last meal no later than 4 hours before bed 7. Intermittent fasting for 12-16 hours between the last meal and breakfast Thinking about how you eat, what you eat, and when you eat is the start of taking control of your gut health. Be careful what you eat first thing in the morning when your body is still cleansing - just as you wouldn't feed a newborn baby solid food, your stomach needs to be fed a little in the morning. Finally, you can train your body to intermittent fast every day for some time until your body gets used to it. Start overnight without food for 12 hours and gradually increase it. Intermittent fasting isn't just great for your gut, it's one of the easiest and most effective ways to help your body start to function optimally and boost your overall health.  Stimulus specializes in helping people overcome emotional trauma, experience emotional breakthroughs, naturally boost their health and live their best lives. 
