Hand Surgeons Want To Help Restore Movement

 Hand surgeons want to help restore movement

 In this age of advanced computers and sedentary lifestyles, we must learn to keep our bodies fit and healthy. We all have aches and pains from time to time, but how do we know if they're more than wear and tear? , we never want to see a doctor, but a bad choice or bad luck can lead us to the hospital for various reasons. 

Hand surgeons can share helpful tips on how to recognize when you're moving your body too far. A common problem is an arthritis or the breakdown of the cartilage between the bones in our joints. There are several types of this joint disease, which can be caused by genetics, disease, or overuse. Common symptoms include difficulty moving your arms. They will be hard and will hurt if you try to use them. A strong symptom occurs when you find that you cannot return your joints to their normal, resting position.

 Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is something that comes to mind when of computer-related injuries. This is caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrist, preventing the area from sending messages to the brain. As a result, symptoms include swelling, pain, and a "" feeling in the fingers, wrists, and hands. If your hands are weaker than usual, it may be more obvious that you have CTS when you have trouble holding objects or performing simple tasks. , there is little research linking CTS to repetitive movements of the hands.

 Although the exact cause is not known to hand surgeons, it has been associated with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, women's fractures, and hormonal changes, especially pregnancy, menopause, or menopause. Various sports injuries can contribute to the deterioration of our elbows, which also fall under the scope of hand surgery. They are often the result of cumulative wear and tear and are not related to sports, with names such as golfer's elbow (a cumulative trauma to the inner elbow), tennis elbow (a cumulative trauma to the outer elbow), and skier's thumb (hyperextension). . thumb).

 This last one has the simplest reason: you hit your toe and it's wrong. You may wonder if you have a golfer's elbow when the inside of your elbow feels tender and sore, especially when you bend your hips and/or try to hold something. Symptoms of tennis elbow are more severe and include burning pain and tenderness on the outside of your elbow and below your waist.

 This pain usually worsens over several weeks. If you suffer from any of these conditions, you should see your local hand surgeon for a diagnosis as soon as possible. If you can't see , ice can calm the symptoms and make them more tolerable. Heat is also good, but only for a short time and when mixed with ice. Regardless of home care, it's important to consult with a medical professional to make sure you have a full range of motion in your arm. 
