You Are Obsessed With Healthy

You are obsessed with healthy

 Body Trust A few months ago I took an online course on Be Nourished about Body Trust. It has made a huge impact on my thinking about my body, weight, diet, and exercise. I had put on quite a bit of weight in my 40s and no matter what I did, nothing would budge. But I learned a lot about nutrition and exercise along the way. I was very ashamed of my weight and the way I looked, and it affected my ability to be out in the world and be seen. Exercising and walking as many steps as possible occupied my thoughts during the day. I had a Fitbit and Fitbit scales and was constantly thinking about food, exercise, and how to lose weight. I hated looking in the mirror and feeling like I wasn't doing enough to lose weight. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2016 and had to go for 6 weeks of blood tests for my thyroid and liver. Two tests on my liver showed that I had elevated enzymes. When I took the Body Trust course, I discovered how it controls my relationship with my body. One of the memes they have on their site is "We can't hate ourselves into a version of ourselves we can love". The shame I felt was because we live in a fat-phobic society and think we can diet and get the size we want AND still have a loving relationship with our bodies. We can't. Fat Shaming We are not the problem, our society has dysfunctional values ​​and leads us to believe that we can control our weight if we just apply ourselves in the right way. I wanted to fit in so I wouldn't be embarrassed.  Healthy eating I knew so much about food. I tried a lot of diets, all of which focused on healthy eating. The Wheat Belly Diet, Paleo, The Plant Paradox, Eat Right For Your Blood Type. I tried them all. Nothing was changing but I told myself I eat healthily so I must have a slow metabolism or the thyroid is affecting my weight or her high cortisol from the stress of the earthquake. I had very good self-control. I couldn't go sugar-free, wheat-free, or gluten-free and I was still trying new ways of eating, importing food from overseas, or trying to track down ingredients across the country. I had tons and tons of vitamins and supplements. My body was like an obsession, wanting to change it, and control it through what I eat and how I moved.
